SPOTLIGHT: a night of cinema 

29.01.24 11:19 By Luiz Villar

and insights

CenterFrame's Showcase and Panel at Curzon Soho


Make it Short - Mr. Sisyphus - A Deep Dive - - Centerframe


a night of cinema 

and insights


Showcase and Panel

at Curzon Soho


CenterFrame Team

In the heart of London's vibrant film scene, CenterFrame's biannual short-film showcase and industry panel brought together a constellation of talent and wisdom at the iconic Curzon Soho Cinema on January 30. The evening unfolded like a carefully scripted scene, merging the magic of cinema with pragmatic insider advice, creating an atmosphere brimming with the love and heartache of indie filmmaking.

The event kicked off with a cinematic feast, featuring five outstanding short films that showcased not just the filmmakers' skills but also their depth of storytelling. From the dark comedy of "CRUSTS" to the poignant social commentary of "THE ATTENDANT," each film resonated with originality and craftsmanship, a testament to CenterFrame's commitment to nurturing quality and diversity in filmmaking.

But the real highlight of the evening was the industry panel that followed. CenterFrame brought together a trio of luminaries whose combined experience illuminated the path for both seasoned filmmakers and aspiring talents alike. Gareth Ellis-Unwin, the Academy Award-winning producer of "The King's Speech," joined forces with Richard Holmes, known for his work on acclaimed films like "Waking Ned" and "God's Own Country." Rounding out the panel was from Festival Formula, whose insights into navigating the festival circuit added another layer of depth to the discussion.

The panel didn't hold back, delving into topics crucial for anyone navigating the indie film landscape. From festival strategies that balance ambition with pragmatism to the art of pitching ideas to producers without overdoing it, the advice flowed freely, punctuated by real-world anecdotes and practical tips. As filmmaker and CenterFrame member Amadeus Redha aptly put it, "It's a marathon, not a sprint," encapsulating the long-term mindset necessary for a successful filmmaking career.

What set CenterFrame's event apart was not just the knowledge shared but also the way it fostered meaningful connections. The post-panel networking session, guided by a clever 'traffic-light' system, turned casual conversations into strategic interactions. Each attendee wore a colourful name tag signalling their role in the industry, streamlining the process of finding like-minded collaborators and mentors.

As the evening wound down in the cosy confines of the Curzon bar, conversations lingered, fueled by the shared passion for storytelling and the newfound insights from the panel. It was a night where the bones of a great indie film industry gathering were laid bare, reminding everyone present that cinema thrives not just on screen but also in the connections forged and the wisdom shared. CenterFrame's showcase was not just an event—it was a celebration of the art and craft of filmmaking, promising even greater things for the future of indie cinema.


Communications Executive | CenterFrame Team

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Luiz Villar